These pages host current Public Notices for the Parish, including meeting agendas and planning applications (see menu above), as displayed on the public notice board outside the Post Office, Upper Green Road, and inside the foyer of St Helens Community Centre.
By their display here, each Notice is also regarded as "published".
The Isle of Wight Town, Parish and Community Councils Election will be held on Thursday 6 May 2021.
For further information click on the links below :
Public Consultation about the public toilets
Following the Launch event at a Public Meeting on 25 September 2017, a period of six weeks to 6 November was made available for consultation, the feedback from which has assisted the Parish Council to decide at its meeting on 13 November that it will continue to fund both the Public Toilets, the Duver Toilets will be open all year (accessible toilets only in Winter) and Station Road subject to Defra consultation decision. This was an 'in principle' decision subject to further legal and technical 'due diligence' enquiries. All residents and businesses were encouraged to participate. You can read more here, or write to us, or speak to your parish councillors.
Planning applications made to IW Council are consulted with the Parish Council. You can find out if applications have been made in your area by following this link to IW Council's search page (then select Option 2 / Town, and select 'St Helens' from the drop-down box) from where you can also leave comments on the application directly. IW Council also publish applications received each week in the Press. Follow the link here to access the listings, through which access to individual applications is refreshed every Friday.
The Parish Council will publish details of applications it has received for comment on its own meeting agenda, which will appear above for each month it meets. You are very welcome to attend Parish Council meetings and let it know what you think.
Annual audit process
As explained on our audit page, there is a period each year in which electors of the parish can arrange to inspect the accounts of the parish council.